
Friday, June 25, 2010

To finding new friends and followers

Have some fun today and find new friends.  There are so many of us that have so much to share.  Join the fun and be a follower to many of your favorites. The Daily Dribbles is hosting this Friday Follow me.  Have a great weekend and have fun in finding new friends. 


Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Before and After Transformation

This is one of my treasures I found recently. I loved the solid wood tray but I didn't like the sticker picture on it. I decided to sand the picture off and repaint it back on by hand. Now it is a hand painted scene.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

South Florida with Grandma and Grandpa

It's always nice to spend time with my in-laws.  The Cisco Kid loves his grandparents.  My mother in law and the Cisco Kid are like tow peas in a pod.  The Cisco Kid started his adventure with Grandma by helping a neighbor look for their dog. 
Now Grandma and The Cisco Kid are having a paper airplane race.
There was a repair needed to the plane. 
A couple of months ago my computer decided it had enough and died. My Father in law builds computers and he offered to rebuild mine. The new computer works perfectly and so much better and faster than the old one. The Chief and my Father in law spent most of our visit rebuilding the computer.  Instead of hanging around the house, my mother in law, The Cisco Kid and I decided to do a little shopping.  So shopping we went. She took me to some of the local thrift stores so perhaps I could find some treasures for my Shabby Chic Inspirations booth. My mother in law had a blast spoiling The Cisco Kid.  The two of them were on a quest to find a horse in every store so he could add them to his collection.   They found a great collection and the Cisco Kid loves them. After we went to most of the thrift stores there was one more place we wanted to go. THE MALL!!!! Again Grandmas spoiled the Cisco Kid. She gave him $2.00 to spend any way he wants. We walk in the mall and the first thing we see it a miniature train ride and it cost $2.00. There was no hesitation. The Cisco Kid wanted to spend his $2.00 on the train ride.  He was eager to sit in front so he could ring the bell. 
We had our fill of shopping and we were tired.  We all need a nap. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In her 70's and still going strong!!!

My Aunt Dina had a birthday and we were so happy to celebrate her surprise birthday party with her. Last year was a very rough year for her. She went through two open heart surgeries within 90 days. She had gone through an amazing recovery and she looks great. Her surprise birthday party felt like a mini family reunion. I had my first, second, and third cousins there. My son was able to meet his 4th cousins. He had so much fun with them. This is a rarity for The Cisco Kid to meet his 4th cousins. That doesn’t happen often. The family only lives two to four hours from us and we hope to see them more often.

She was so surprised!!!!

She broke into tears.
My uncle Joe had the restaurant serve a private buffet of Salad, Chicken marsala, Chicken parmesan, Eggplant parmesan, lasagna and spaghetti. The food was delicious. 
The whole crew.
There are a total of 10 cousens all together. 
When we left the restaurant the weather really got bad.  The lightning started several fires. 
I can’t believe I captured lightning with my camera. Maybe it wasn't that hard because there was a lightning strike every minute or so. 
We got to my cousin Richards house safely and the kids had a great time playing. 
Uncle Joe and the Chief are both History buffs and they can talk for hours. 
We were all in the kitchen when we heard this beautiful voice coming from the living room. It was my cousin Patty. She has an amazing voice. I never knew we had so much talent in this family.  
Here my cousin Patty, my second cousin Christina and my Cousin in law Angelika. They Sang together in harmony. The boy is my third cousin Christian.
       Uncle Joe thank you so much for inviting us.  We always enjoy seeing you all.


Monday, June 21, 2010

A loss of a dear friend

We had a very sad event happen late yesterday. The Cisco Kid found his Gold fish of four years floating in the tank. The boy's heart is broken. He has watched his gigantic goldfish grow from one inch to five inches and he gradually went from a bright gold to solid white. This is the first pet he lost and he is devastated. We gave Goldie a little box and made him a cross for his grave. The Cisco Kid wrote some heartfelt words on the cross. We put the cross in front of Goldie’s grave when we buried him in the yard.

The Cisco Kids departing words are I love you Goldie and you are my best friend.  
The Chief is digging a hole for Goldie.
I asked the Cisco Kid if he wanted to put the box in the ground or if he wanted Daddy to do it, and he said he wanted to put Goldie in his new home to rest.  Then he broke out in tears again.   
 Goldie resting in peace.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day!!!!

We spent the day with family enjoying Fathers Day.  The men must have their toys.  We gave Grandpa an MP3 player and  the Cisco Kid and I gave the Chief a Lego City Police Station.
Not sure who is happier the Chief or The Cisco Kid. 
The Cisco Kid picked out a recordable card for Grandpa.  He wanted to record a special message to Grandpa for fathers day.  
As soon as we got home the boys had to play with their toys.

Happy Fathers Day!
