
Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Chiefs Birthday

The Chiefs Birthday is today, but we celebrated it last night. Thursday is a very busy night for us. We have Cub scouts and with 26 boys my meetings run 1 1/2 hours. The Cisco Kid and I get there 45 minutes prior to set up. This doesn't give the chief enough time to come home, get us and go to the meetings. He just meets us there. Celebrating his birthday last night gave us some time to enjoy the family celebration.

Cisco Kid was very adamant about what he wanted to get the Chief for his birthday. Of course it was a Lego. I think those boys are on a quest to build every Lego available. The Airport Lego was the one they both would look at every time they went into the toy store. When it was time to open presents The Cisco kid was jumping out of his pants with excitement about Dad getting the Lego they have been drooling over for months.

I decided to get the Chief the LED reading light with front cover for his Nook. Now he doesn't need the light on anymore.

Happy Birthday Hun!!!!
