
Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It's another Wednesday of "What would your children say?"
Children are amazing the way their little minds work. The things they say and do are so cute and priceless.

Last week we were in Target and every toy we passed The Cisco kid immediately said, mom can I have that toy? Immediately I answered no! We passed another toy and he asked the same question and I repeated my same answered. This was my son’s cute response to my no answer.

Please mom can I have that toy? You are my only hope. Please, please, please.

I just cracked up. I thought…. Oh my gosh!! I’m his only hope. How pitiful is that. It just goes to show how the smallest thing is a very big deal.

If your thinking, did I get him the toy. No, I did not. But the I love you was flying back and forth.


  1. That is so cute! My post is very similar this week. Happy Wednesday!

  2. That is too cute, only hope! I love it! Did you give in to the cuteness?

  3. Love the concept! Thanks for stopping by & following my blog! Looking forward to getting to know you :-)

  4. But mom you where his only hope! lol So very cute!!

  5. Oh goodness! that is priceless!

    Love this meme you created :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  6. O Yummy . You are a amazing cook!
