
Monday, January 11, 2010

Working on renovating a room

I will be making up dated posst about my transformation of my guest bedroom to scrapbooking/craft/guest room.  Over the weekend we have made real progress towards completing the room.  We completed the installation of the wood floors. We also got a couple of book cases from target and they are so cute. Target calls them shabby bookcases. We also made a small work area for The Cisco kid. I needed a table that would fold down to save on space. His collapsible table came out really great.

The shelf brackets fold in so the table can be lowered. 

Shabby book shelves from Target.

I hope to be in the room by this up coming weekend so I could start catching up on my Scrapbooks.


  1. Oh, I am liking this room, and I REALLY like TCK's collapsable table! Is The Chief installing those wood floors??? WOW! I am impressed! The room is looking amazing!

  2. I've been anxiously awaiting these photos showing your progress in the room. You DID get a lot done this weekend! Love the floors and even better, the fact that you did them yourselves! You came up with a very clever space saver with the fold-down table. Can't wait to see the finished product...then I'm going to recruit you and your family to come here and do some projects for me! :)
