
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thursday's Cub Scouts

This year I have to make sure the boys complete all 12 Wolf Trail Achievements so the can move to becoming a Bear in February.
The twelve Achievement requirements are.
1. Feats of Skill
2. Your Flag
3. Keep Your Body Healthy
4. Know Your Home and Community
5. Tools for Fixing and Building
6. Start a Collection
7. Your Living World
8. Cooking and Eating
9. Be Safe at Home and on the Street
10. Family Fun
11. Duty to God
12. Making Choices
So far we have completed number 2 "Your Flag" and for an extra bonus they received the communicating belt loop.

This past Thursday we worked on a skit to perform at our next Pack meeting. This will give them the Be an Actor belt loop.

The Skit.
Required: 6  or more scouts
Notes: Make sure you practice so the Beeeeeps start and stop when they should and so that the punch line does not drag on too long.

All scouts but 3 stands in line. Lead scouts is in front or to one side.
1st Leade Scout: For the next ten seconds we will conduct a test of the emergency broadcast system.
(line of scouts all make Beeeeeeeeeeep sound until the leader raises his hand.)
2nd Leade Scout: Thank you. This concludes the test of the emergency broadcast system.
3rd Leade Scout: Had this been an actual emergency, you would have heard...
(line of scouts scream in panic and run around)

The boys had so much fun doing this Skit. They wanted to keep doing it over and over.

I set up a craft station so the boys can make some props and costumes for the Skit.  I cut up some paper bags with stop sign and yield signs. 
The craft was to make a sign showing danger or emergency situations. They will wear these when they do the Skit.  
Of course the boys were looking forward to their evening cookie.


1 comment:

  1. You are back!!! I was hoping everything was ok with you. It has been awhile. I hope you enjoyed your bloggy hiatus. Have a great scouting year!
