
Friday, January 18, 2013

The Cup Song for the Cub Scouts


The Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet is just around the corner and this year the boys must learn a skit. We decided to do the Cup Song. I wanted The Cisco Kid to make a video demonstrating the cup song real slow so the other scouts can practice it during the week. The second video is of him demonstrating the Cup Song for the 5th time.  Every time he did a take he altered something.   The video shows him totally not wanting to do another take.  The first video is of me demonstrating it in slow and fast motion and that is the one I had to send out to all the scouts. 

I will show this video to every girlfriend he will ever have.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our new family member

The Cisco Kid has been wanting a pet for a very long time now. We finally got him one. On Sunday we went to PetCo where they have shelter animals up for adoption. We went there for a kitten and they had many kittens and cats to chose from. But there was only one with the personality that fit our family. When The Cisco Kid walked up to his age the kitten stuck his paw out and tried to touch him. We then had him hold the kitten and in that second he felt the kitten purring. The Cisco Kid said it feels and sounds like a motorcycle vibrating. We adopted to kitten and named him Comet. He is now a new member of our family. 
He is not afraid of the water. The way he acts he thinks he is a dog.