There’s a new game on Wednesday's its....What would your children say? Wednesday
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Cisco Kid: I can't see! it is to bright out here.
Mommy: I'm going as fast as I could.
Cisco Kid: OK now it's time to go inside. Cisco Kid: Why won't this door open?
Mommy: Push down the handle.
Cisco Kid: OK... now is this some kind of joke?Cisco Kid: Let me in. This is NOT FUNNY!
Mommy: OK let me try. Cisco Kid: Why are you still out there? Come on in.
Cisco Kid: My mom painted this before I was born.
Cisco Kid: Signing out.
Marianne: That was fun. I hope to see you participate on Wednesday. Have a great weekend.
A gift from the tooth fairy.
He jumped right in by putting his new tow truck to work towing the fire truck.
My little Snaggletooth child.
His anticipation is great, waiting for the next tooth to fall out.