Ever since I could remember my mother had her new years superstitions. She would always say....What you do on the first day of the year is what you will be doing the rest of the year. So today... first thing...I woke up at 8:30 a.m. That is late for me. ( I guess I will wake up late every day), I kissed everyone good morning, gave them big hugs, told them how much I love them and thanked God we are all safe and healthy. (love hugs and kisses), I made myself a big pot of coffee, (Yes! I will drink the whole pot today,) I thought about eating breakfast (O.K. so far it is just a thought), I cleaned the floor whipped down the counters and threw in a load of laundry, ( I guess I will be cleaning my house all the time. Whey could I have not hired a maid??), Hubby suggested we go out to breakfast. (I thought what a good idea. Perhaps I won't be doing much cooking throughout the year), We went to Cracker Barrel and I made conscious effort to watch what I eat. (could this be a sign??? I only ate 1/2 of a biscuit, one egg over easy and one slice of bacon. I hope this will set the standard for the year. HUMMMMM!!!), After breakfast we went to Wal-Mart and purchased 64.54 worth of merchandise but only spent 4.54 of our money. We had sixty dollars in credit. (Does that mean we will get inexpensive merchandise throughout the year???), We came home and relaxed watching TV. (We are TV watching Family), Then we played with some Christmas toys. The Cisco Kid had gotten a pottery wheel and made something, He also got a plane that he could fly. We always enjoy doing things as a family. (A family that has activities together will have fun and stay together). The was a really great day to set the standard for the rest of the year.

The Cisco Kids Clay Cup
A plane that will fly by winding up a large rubber band with a gun.
The Cisco Kid has gotten into the habit of not reading the instruction on how to build things. This is one of those examples. He sat at the counter and was so patient about putting it together. Amazingly enough there were no parts left over. His insight must come from building models and putting Lego's together with the Chief.
Of course the first flight went right on top of a very large growing vine bush and the Chief had to do some climbing.