Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Camps

Summer Camps are so inspirational. This camp is Called Beat Pack. This is the second year The Cisco Kid has gone to it.  He loves it so much that he has already asked to go back next year. 
It is structured around a specific theme. This year it was "You have the Magic in me". The main message was everyone has the magic in them. No matter what others say or do, they should always feel like they can accomplish anything they put their mind too. The magic is strongest when they are confident in themselves and overcome any obstacles they come across. The theme is a great one but what they teach these kids in nine days is simply amazing. The Cisco Kid learned some jokes, three songs and at least four dance parts.  He comes out of that camp so happy.

I have a video clip that I will post as soon as the Chief downloads it for me.


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