Monday, August 23, 2010

The first day of school

Second Grade!!!! I can’t believe it. The Cisco Kid has so many great qualities. I walked him to his class today and I purposely walked about ten steps behind so he could have some space. He loves his independence. It was a touching moment as I watched him great all his friends and introducing himself to the kids he didn't know. He is so happy in his every move. He walks with pride and confidents. He's only 7 years old and he is very secure in his own skin. All I could think of was what a great person he is and what a tremendous person he will be.  

The Cisco Kid's first day at school.

This is one of his friends going all the way back to 3 year old pre-k and another friend from 1st grade.   
The Cisco Kid is putting away his supplies and setting up his desk. 

Every morning Mr. M has all the children move their name on their food choice for lunch 
The Cisco kid's name will remain on the Chicken Nuggets all week except on Pizza day. That is his way of switching it up.  


1 comment:

  1. Very sweet pictures! Glad TCK had fun returning to school. He looks like he got all settled in and ready to start. Cool system for recording lunch choices.



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