Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer + Friends + Pool = FUN

Summer is all about having friends over for a fun day.  These two boys have known each other since they were three years old. 

As much as I protested, Mrs. K insisted on bringing lunch for everyone. That was so kind of her to go out of her way.  She brought us Publix subs with a salad and dessert.  We love Publix subs.   
 It is amazing how much a pool can entertain children for hours on end. 
After swimming they were hungry and the dessert that Mrs. K brought where these M&M Ice Cream cookies.   YUMMMMM.  Thank You Mrs. K!


Scuba diving with the Cub Scouts.

Since I am the Den mom of the Cub Scouts I try to give them adventures they will never forget. This summer we are working on our Aquanaut requirement.

The Boys learned three different ways to rescue someone from the water.

The first way was.... swimming to the distressed person with a flotation device. Making sure they grab on to it correctly and bringing them to safety.

The second way was..... laying on land belly down and reaching for the distressed person with a branch, walking stick or rowing oar. Then pulling the distressed person close to land.

The Third way was.......two boys sit in a row boat and row out to the distressed person. The scout sitting in front grabs the distressed person and hangs on to them as the scout in back rows back to land.

They also learned how to do some swimming strokes.

The adventure they will never forget was being able to suit up in diving gear and go scuba diving in the pool. 
A boys favorite adventure at any age is zip lining.  
The mom's also enjoyed the zip line.  


Friday, July 13, 2012

Beat Pack Camp Videos

Very cute live performances with The Cisco Kid. 


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