This morning The Cisco Kid is eager to play with all things crawling and slimy. We were eating breakfast when we saw a snail and a lizard. The Cisco kid wanted to go outside and see them up close. He likes the snail because it was nice and slow. The lizard not so slow! The lizard freaked us both out, so we decided to go back inside and take a picture of it through the window. Then the silliest thing came out of The Cisco Kids mouth. He said: Mom lets capture them and add them to our family. Once he said that, I decided it was time we got out of the house or he will want to bring every bug and animal inside. Our local movie theater has free movies during the summer. It just so happened, Astro Boy was playing. We have never see it and I have to say it was really good.
He is trying to feed the snail so it will stay in the yard.
The lizard is a very colorful.
It was nice that some friends were available to come with us to the movies.

Oh, I like snails and lizards so I don't think TCK kids was too crazy for wanting to play with them. I always played with lizards growing up, but I will say we had one in the house the other day, and I tried to save bit me!! Of course it didn't have teeth so it didn't hurt, but I thought that was some thanks! The snail is cute. Good job CK on being kind to small creatures!