Friday, July 16, 2010

Third post for the day. It's completed!!!!

As soon as the county inspector came and inspected the tank the guys were back to work. They connected all the pipes and added a pipe riser with a green plastic lid instead of the cement lid it came with.

This wasn't too bad. These guys did such a great job and didn’t destroy my front yard.
The pipes are all connected.
The riser.
The riser and green lid are sealed.
In order to get to my side yard where the tanks are located they had to remove the shrubbery. They put back the shrubs and now time will tell if they survive. There was very minimal damage to the front lawn. The backhoe was so heavy that it left ruts in the lawn. Not bad!!!!
The side yard is where you can see all the work they did. Everything looks nice and neat.  

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Luckily it was done and complete relatively quickly. What a big mess! So glad it didn't ruin your yard! Glad you can check that off your list of things to get done!



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